Grant Leversha


Shortly after starting his photographic career in 1992, Grant soon became the Springbok Rugby Team’s official photographer for a period of nine years and was intimately involved in sport, event and social responsibility work during South Africa’s transition into democracy.

He found his passion in golf course photography in the mid 1990s and over time has established himself as one of the world’s esteemed photographers in this genre with a string of awards to his name and his work showcased globally.

In 2013, his self-published tome entitled Within an African Eden, scooped the majority of the international art-book publishing awards hosted in the USA.

Against thousands of excellent entries submitted by publishers, printers, museums and university presses (including The Metropolitan Museum of Art and The Getty Museum), Grant’s work received the following prestigious awards.

GoldBenjamin Franklin Awards – New York ‘Coffee Table Books’

GoldIPPY – New York ‘Outstanding Book of the Year: Art & Craftsmanship’

GoldGold Ink Awards – Chicago ‘Fine Editions’

GoldCreativity International – Louisville ‘Book Design’

GoldCreativity International – Louisville ‘Illustration, Photography & Typography’

GoldCanadian Printing Awards – Toronto ‘Best Book’

Award of Recognition: Printing Industries of America – Los Angeles

Honourable Mention: (IPA) – Los Angeles

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Grant Leversha